[. . . ] User GUide GeoExplorer® 6000 series USER GUIDE GeoExplorer® 6000 series Version 1. 00 Revision A February 2011 F Trimble Navigation Limited 10355 Westmoor Drive Suite #100 Westminster, CO 80021 USA www. trimble. com Legal Notices Copyright and Trademarks © 2011, Trimble Navigation Limited. Trimble, the Globe & Triangle logo, GeoExplorer, and GPS Pathfinder are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in the United States and in other countries. EVEREST, GeoBeacon, GeoXH, GeoXT, GPS Analyst, GPScorrect, H-Star, Floodlight, Tempest, TerraSync, Tornado, and VRS are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited. Microsoft, ActiveSync, Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Windows, Windows Live, Windows Media, Windows Mobile, Windows Vista, and the Windows Start logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. [. . . ] The handheld outputs the following NMEA messages by default: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG, ZDA. TSIP (Trimble Standard Interface Protocol) is used by Trimble GNSS applications, and is also supported by some other GNSS applications. If you are using an external correction source connected to COM1 or a Bluetooth port, the corrections must be redirected to COM4. For more information, see Using real-time corrections from an external correction source, page 70. COM3 TSIP COM4 Real-time corrections Note ­ NMEA messages can only be output if you have purchased and activated the NMEA Output option. GeoExplorer 6000 Series User Guide 63 5 Using the GNSS Receiver Note ­ COM1 is a standard serial port that connects to external devices. For more information, see Connecting to other devices using the USB to serial converter, page 111. Connecting to the COM port Details of how to configure different types of GNSS field software to connect to the GNSS COM port are as follows: GPS field software GPS Controller TerraSync ArcPad with the GPScorrect extension Configuration details Run GPS Controller. The software automatically activates the integrated GNSS receiver on COM3. The software automatically activates the integrated GNSS receiver on COM3. When the Trimble GPScorrect extension is installed, the extension automatically configures the ArcPad software to use the integrated GNSS receiver on COM3 using the Trimble GPScorrect protocol. To configure a real-time Differential GNSS source, or to view status information, run the GPScorrect extension. In ArcPad, tap the GPS drop-down menu and then select GPS Preferences from the drop-down menu. Tap the GPS button Configure the software to connect to GNSS on COM2 and then use the Connect or Activate GNSS command. Configure the software to connect to GNSS on COM3 and then use the Connect or Activate GNSS command. ArcPad without the GPScorrect extension NMEA application TSIP application Using the GNSS field software Depending on the GNSS field software you have installed, the default GNSS field software will be GPS Controller, TerraSync, or the Trimble GPScorrect extension for Esri ArcPad software. The GPS Controller software enables you to check the current GNSS status, or to configure the integrated GNSS receiver. Depending on the GNSS field software you have installed, you can use the software to configure settings such as GNSS, real-time correction, and antenna settings. You may also be able to use the software to connect to a real-time correction source, configure logging settings, and collect features. For more information, refer to the rest of this chapter and the documentation for the GNSS field software. 64 GeoExplorer 6000 Series User Guide Using the GNSS Receiver 5 Starting the GNSS field software Do one of the following: · From the Home screen, tap the GeoXH (or GeoXT) item, then tap the GNSS Application Launcher item to launch the default GNSS field application. Tap / Programs and then select the GNSS field software, for example TerraSync. · When you first open any Trimble GNSS field software, the Skyplot section is displayed. Viewing available GNSS satellites Use the graphical Skyplot section or the Satellite Info section in the installed Trimble GNSS field software to view detailed GPS and GLONASS information. Note ­ To receive signals from GNSS satellites, the handheld must have a clear view of the sky. GNSS positions may not always be available, particularly in or near buildings, in vehicles, or under tree canopy. Filled (black) boxes represent satellites that the receiver is using to compute its current GNSS position. Unfilled (white) boxes represent satellites that the receiver is getting signals from but is not using because the signals are too weak. In the example shown here, eight satellites are being tracked and seven of these satellites are being used to compute GNSS positions. [. . . ] To avoid this, select Wait for realtime or Use uncorrected GNSS as your second choice. Integrated SBAS is selected as the second choice source of real-time corrections. GeoExplorer 6000 Series User Guide 1 27 8 Troubleshooting Recommended GNSS settings for maximum precision and productivity The following table lists some of the factors that affect the precision of your data, and describes how to minimize the effect of atmospheric interference and poor satellite geometry. Factor Description To maximize precision and productivity Tracking more satellites can help to improve satellite geometry and thereby improve accuracy. See Activating the Floodlight technology and the NMEA output options, page 74. Ensure the integrated GNSS receiver gets a clear view of the sky as possible. Keep your body mass as far from the receiver as practical and do not crowd over the handheld. [. . . ]